First There was an online Assessment round in which 3 questions were there. You have to solve all three , even if you solved all three there will be some internal shortlisting (may be time was the criteria) First 2 questions were from CP and 3rd one from REST API( similar to hackerank problems).
After OA There are 3 Technical Rounds. In first technical Implementation level questions were asked Like To rotate a matrix , Change Date formats.
In second technical round , Linux Cmds were asked , Concepts on how the web works. How can one safe the identity of the server from hackers. And system design concepts. 1 puzzle : you have M×N matrix , how many ways are there to go from top-left to bottom-right. 2 DSA problems : One was from linked-list node deletion concept, other from morris traversal. And multithreading code.
I was the only one who passed on next round facing this interviewer 🥲.
Then in last round , again web basic were asked from me , how we can scale website , system design concepts And Merge Sort , And easy level LinkedIn list question.
Keep in mind. Every round has marks. Never hesitate to try and fail. They sum up all the efforts done by you.
Result : waitlist